3-Way burgers for your cheat days! / 칼로리폭탄버거

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칼로리폭탄버거900_01 Ingredients (serving size: 1 each) burger buns (We baked our buns with melted butter) Everything burger : lettuces, tomato, bacon, avocado, sliced ham, fried egg, sliced cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise Gorgonzola fries burger : fries, gorgonzola crumbs, sliced ham, bacon, tomato Berry delicious burger : strawberries, marshmallow, nutella   칼로리폭탄버거900_03 1. Slice tomatoes and avocado. Make classic burger sauce with mixing mayo and ketchup. (Vary the ratio according your taste.) 2. Once you prepare everything, let’s assemble them! Start from the bun bottom, drizzle with sauce, stack all toppings carefully, finish with the sauce and bun top.   칼로리폭탄버거900_05 1. To make Gorgonzola cheese sauce, Bring the 4cups heavy cream to a full boil over medium-high heat, then continue to boil rapidly for 45 to 50 minutes, until it’s thickened. Then, remove the pan from the heat and add 3 to 4 ounces crumbly gorgonzola, 3tbsp parmesan, salt, pepper, and parsley. Whisk rapidly until the cheeses melt. 2. Stack every topping with buns. You can substitute ham and tomato according to your taste.  


1. Cut strawberries and marshmallow in half. Spread nutella on bun bottom, place the mallows, torch them to get nice smoky and crispy flavor. Add strawberries, and bun again, repeat once.   칼로리폭탄버거900_09 Sometimes, when you crave so much for high-calorie foods, why don’t we let ourselves to be treated? We have this expression in Korea, “No matter how heavy the food is, it’s zero calories when you eat it happily and deliciously"   비빔밥_web_17
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