Non-Profit Organization Donation Program-Pennsylvania ONLY

All Non-Profit organizations in Pennsylvania are eligible in Non-Profit Organization Donation Program.

Collect and turn in receipts and in-return, get H Mart Gift Certificates for your Organization.  

How does it work?
1.    Collect H Mart receipts to your donation box.
2.    Bring all collected H Mart receipts to H Mart branches located in Pennsylvania.
3.    Will be given back to H Mart Gift Certificates, 1% of total receipt amount. (Excluding tax)

Who can apply?
Non-Profit Organization residing in Pennsylvania State is eligible to apply.

How to apply?
Visit H Mart Philadelphia and apply.
*Application must have signed by organization representative.

Required documents:
Non-Profit IRS Form and Representative’s valid photo ID
Application Address: H Mart Philadelphia, 6201 N Front St #124, Philadelphia, PA 19120


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