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Bibimbap tarts / 비빔밥타르트

your new legit tarts! Perfect for picnics and cute gift! Satisfyingly sweet!

Ingredients (serving 5-6)
Tart Dough :
60g Butter, soften
40g Powdered sugar
1/8ts Salt
1 Egg yolk
100g Cake Flour
25g Almond powder

Cream cheese yogurt filling :
65g whipped cream
200g Cream cheese
60g Plain Yogurt
1tsp Lemon juice
3tbsp Sugar
1/2cup Coconut flakes
20g Sugar syrup (water:sugar=2:1)

Fruit topping: kiwi, strawberry, peach, pineapple
Fried egg: White chocolate, mango

1. Beat soften butter and shift powdered sugar and salt into the bowl and whisk. Add egg yolk and shift flour and almond flour. Combine and fold with a spatula until it forms one solid ball. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour. 

2. Transfer the dough on floured flat surface, sprinkle flour on the dough too. Start rolling, changing the angle of your rolling pin as you go to get an even shape and thickness. Cut dough using a tart shell. 

3. Place the dough into the tart shells and Using a fork, puncture the bottom of the crust to make a series of small holes. Place tart stone on top and bake at 340F/170C for 20-25mins. (if you don’t have it, use beans).

4. In the meantime, slice kiwi, strawberry, peach, pineapple into thin strips. Make sure they are not wet. Whip cream cheese, plain yogurt, lemon juice and sugar and mix with whipped cream, then coconut flakes. Melt white chocolate and spread then on flat surface in round shape, top a small piece of mango in the center. Let it dry. 

5. Once crust is done baking, cool it down and fill with the cream, then top with fruits like bibimbap toppings! Finish with white chocolate fried egg topping! 

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